
Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Knitting Pattern for 500 Poppies Project

Quick Knitting Poppy

You will need:
Knitting Needles
Red Yarn
Black Button

This uses a twisting the needle techinique to make the rounded shape of the poppy, but knits up really quickly!
(See photos... Top: once you've taken straight off the needles, the edges will be frilled more on one side. Bottom: Once you put the wool tight, then sew up and add button.)

Cast on 36 stitches

Knit first four rows

5th row Knit 3 then rotate right needle by 360° (turn right hand needle completely round)
Knit 6 – rotate right needle again 360°
 Repeat until 3 stitches remain at end of needle

6th row  Knit 2 tog across all stitches

7th row   As above

8th row  As above

Cast off remaining stitches by pass the thread through the remaining stitches to draw them together.  Sew up seam and attach button.

4 Petals Poppy

You will need:
Knitting Needles
Red Yarn
Black Yarn
Needle and black thread

The needle size and tension is up to you, it doesn't matter what size the poppies are.

Petals (make 4)
Using Red, cast on 7 sts.
1st row (RS) K.
2nd row Kfb, k to last 2 sts, kfb, k1. 9 sts.
3rd row As 2nd row. 11 sts.
4th row As 2nd row. 13 sts.
5th–8th rows K.
9th row Ssk twice, k to last 4 sts, k2tog twice. 9 sts. 10th–12th rows K.
13th row As 9th row. 5 sts.
14th–16th rows K.
17th row K1, sk2po, k1. 3 sts.
18th row K. Bind off.

Using Black, cast on 16 sts. Bind off.

Sew petals together in pairs, then position one pair over the other in a cross formation and secure. Coil centre into a tight spiral and using black sew base to the centre. Maintain the petals in a cup shape with a small stitch behind pairs of petals.

ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES k = knit k2tog = knit 2 together kfb = knit in front and back of stitch st(s) = stitch(es) ssk = slip, slip, knit

Stitch Explanation: Sk2po - Slip 2 stitches as if to knit together, knit 1, pass slipped stitches over


  1. Which way do you rotate the needle - clockwise or anti clockwise?

  2. It doesn't matter as long as each time you rotate its the same way. I did it towards me.
    Rotate knit 6 rotate knit 6 all the way till 3 stitches left.
    Thanks for making :)

  3. Hello, could you please put up a finished picture of the quick knitted poppy to see if I have done it correctly? Thank you :)

  4. Hi I've just added two images.
    Thank you

  5. I've just completed 3 felt poppies and will be sending them off tomorrow. It is so good to be involved in a project like this. Best wishes for successful fundraising. Hils.x
